Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A day off

Okay I just came back from the clinic. Turns out I have a fever (100 degrees Fahrenheit) although I feel fine. Gave me an antibiotic and some paracetamol and some sore throat tablets. Cost me 48MYR in total. Met my 4th aunt on the way to breakfast today. Didn't expect her to be home so early. Well, this is going to be a short post. Hope I manage to recover soon enough lol.

Just a short note: I realized how sickly I have been for the past few years. Today when I went to the reception of the clinic, the receptionist just took one glance and asked her friend to look for the file under the my name. I was like, wow... The clinic keeps their patients records in these pink colored A4 size manila cards. If I'm not wrong, I had a brand new manila card somewhere around 2008, and this time it was already almost full on both pages. Imagine that, 2 manila cards full or medical records. That's an achievement XD


  1. hope u recover soon b4 CNY...

  2. CNY wont matter much since I can't celebrate it this year lol. But thanks anyway XD
