Friday, April 16, 2010

Another Day Out

Yay! Finally watched “Clash of the Titans” in 3D! But sadly, even though I anticipated it for so long, it wasn’t much special. Yes indeed, it was a nice movie. But 3D? No thank you. It almost wasn’t in 3D at all. More like a HD movie than 3D.

Well Tatt was suppose to get the tickets. But he pulled out because he wanted to go to Convent Butterworth’s Sports Day in some obscure unknown B.M. Stadium (He wants to hit on this 15 year old Eurasian girl from Convent Butterworth who just so happens to be my sister’s friend and my sister’s classmate’s cousin). So anyway I called up Marrtin and Vimalan (I promised Marrtin that I’d call him) but they decided not to skip school. So I called Su-Lyn Jie instead. Actually I was like, should I call her? Should I not? And finally when I decided I forgot that I saved her number in the other sim card. So by the time I asked her, it was after 6 am in the morning lol. Well surprisingly, she agreed :-D

Well after the movie (which to me, was a disappointment because it almost wasn’t 3D) we walked around before going down to Big Apple to get donuts. She got a green tea donut (if I’m not wrong, she said she likes green tea donuts). Then we walked around again and chatted about all sorts of stuff and then went to Dome for lunch. Actually it was my suggestion because it’s been like a ritual to me: Every time I go to Gurney, I’d go to Dome for lunch and order a glass of red. The red wasn’t really good. I think the bottle must have been opened some time ago. Either that or the Vella I had last month just spoiled my taste buds. It wasn’t a very expensive lunch, less than RM90. I paid with a RM100 note and left RM10 as a tip (Usually I’ll just leave the change, but I needed the RM1 notes to pay for the car park). Su-Lyn Jie was like, wow you spend money like water… Well what can I say? It’s actually a habit. She pocketed the 10 that was meant for the tip though XD

After that I dropped her off at her home and went to tuition. Bad move. I should’ve stayed at my grandma’s house instead because I was so friggin tired that I couldn’t concentrate much in tuition. After I dropped her off I kept wondering: was I boring? Did she enjoy herself? I don’t really know. Honestly I felt I was a little boring because most of the time I was like, where do you wanna go? What do you wanna do? Let’s walk around and look at stuff. OMG, can you imagine how boring it would be if a guy asks you out and doesn’t plan anything beforehand??? I mean, I didn’t expect to do much, because when I go out with Chew Yi it would usually be just for lunch and nothing else. Hope it’s not as awful that I’m afraid it would be. To me, it was a fairly nice day because I got to go out, watch a movie and have lunch with a friend. But did I bore her to death? I dunno. And did I seem like I was not paying attention to her when she was talking? I dunno as well, but sometimes I would look inattentive even though I’m listening carefully.

Well after all those worries passed, I was hit by a weird sense of guilt. Damn I tell you, why does this have to happen? It’s not like Chew Yi is my girlfriend or anything, but somehow at times like these (eg. When I was texting with Pei Feng, after spending the afternoon with Su-Lyn Jie) I always get hit by a wave of guilt. Man, I must be going crazy. But that’s just life. I gotta get used to it. After Chew Yi “disappeared”, I just couldn’t get myself to hit on other girls nor get close to them. I mean, it’s like there’s some sort of curse or something which says I must only be close to Chew Yi and like no one else but her. Sad, ain’t it?

Well, I found an envelope on my bed before going to bed. IT WAS MY INTERVIEW LETTER XDDDDDDD


Can’t really believe I got selected for the interview! Ok here’s a recap: I applied for the public services scholarship last year (almost 1 year ago) to study in the Sungai Buloh health college. After waiting for nearly a year I practically gave up, because it was already February and they didn’t even invite me for the interview. But 2 months after writing off my chances of being called up (actually I was just waiting for the end of the month to re-register for the scholarship), I got the interview letter. Call that luck, call that divine intervention, call that anything you want, but 1 thing I know, this is going to be the start of a new life. I’m going to ace that test and interview and I’m going off to college in the midyear intake. Who would’ve thought my life would be this great? Wait a minute, it has been great all along! :-D

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